Why TV is still relevant

Why TV is still relevant Why TV is still relevant
  • News
  • Annabel Watts
  • 07.06.2024

What does TV add to a campaign in the current media landscape?

The latest Viewing Trends report from Thinkbox got us thinking.

Not only did it deliver the usual useful overview of how viewers are consuming TV and the top shows, but also some great insights around the impact of advertising when seen on screen.

So with such a wide mix of channels available to brands, each with varying roles to play, it was a good reminder that TV remains an effective channel in driving good recall and brand trust.

And here’s why.

The lounge was identified as the best environment for audiences to consume TV ads. Not an insight that we can work into any media strategies, but it set the scene for why ads on TV are effective. 

Audiences have a more relaxed mindset at home, which makes them over six times more receptive to advertising. And if they’re watching with other people, all the better as this increases by a further 23%. Given that 44% people are watching TV with someone else (42% of live TV, 50% of playback, 44% of BVOD, and 43% of SVOD), this bodes well for your TV creative.

And the fact that ads are being watched on the big screen has an impact too – TV drives 60% more recall than ads seen on a tablet or phone and 34% more recall than those seen on a computer.

Recall is also 60% higher when viewers are watching higher quality, professionally made ads than non-professional content. And in our experience, good production value also drives trust in a brand. 

Driving trust is key to brand building and TV goes a long way to help.

Cheeky’s combined creative and media offering can tick all the right boxes when it comes to supporting our clients to achieve their brand objectives. Our media neutral approach to planning ensures we consider all channels as part of the full marketing mix solution and our experience means we can get the best results, whatever your budget. 

Research carried out by Thinkbox May 2024, click here for full report:



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